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Alpha Inventions when you publis

Here is how it works. (simple as possible I hope).. Ready?

Let’s go…

If you update or publish your blog at the same time my visitors are browsing blogs in my site then my visitors will get a chance to see your blog in real-time. BAM! (the entire blog is in their face instantly) It’s not even annoying to watch. Is it alpha addicts??

I also provide a link to your blog in case they want it to open your blog in a new window, or bookmark your blog . The links provides your title, and description to help my visitors get a better understanding on what your blog is about, and get more interested. Alphainventions.com is useful for wordpress.com , typepad.com, spaces.live.com, and blogger.com I love it, and want to grow it like a tree. Yahh!

To get more traffic from alphainventions.com just keep your blog updated or go to the homepage, and notify readers about your blog. It’s so simple.


A realistic goal of mine for alphainventions.com is to provide a way for us to see only blogs that we are interested in update in real time, because this will provide more quality, and blogger interaction.

Interaction part is why I built the site. It’s fun to see people come to your site and find it interesting as soon as you update or publish, so I want to provide a faster ways of doing this.

Earlier in the project I tried to make a fair, and logical way for people to submit their link every so often to get more readers for a short period of time, but so many people didn’t understand how the site worked so I guess they may have overlooked it. I’m thinking they didn’t know why they should submit their link.

Help please…

Everyone wants their blog to be read instantly, and I want to provide everyone with that experience.

If anyone here can provide an example of a full explanation on how the site works in better terms it will be greatly appreciated.

Good job to those who do understand how alphainventions.com works. If I looked at it from outside of my webmaster box I’d probably be a little confused about what alphainventions was at first sight.

Many people have their blogs set to ping services like weblogs.com when their blog has been published or updated. Visit http://alphainventions.com/block to block your blog from being read if you’d like.

If someone is on Alpha Inventions when you publish your blog to the public, it will be read by a visitor(s) of mine.

I have no problem helping you with the situation. Contact info is available on the site.

The entire time reading Please keep in mind that mostly bloggers, and webmasters use alphainventions.com , and not the average googler, or reader. This should help you to see how the site is more beneficial to people like you. You are thinking in terms of SEO, and things of that nature, and Alpha Inventions is designed to be more on the Instant communication side of things, but I will make adjustments to improve targeting as mentioned in previous posts.